18 Nov Lake Turkana Wind Power
The Lake Turkana Wind Power (LTWP) is the largest of its kind in Africa Kenya’s most ambitious green energy venture built-in 2014. LWTP generates 310MW of green power into Kenya’s national grid and it’s a crucial cog in the nation’s wheel grinding steadily towards Vision 2030 Wilken installed a VSAT-based network that provided internet connectivity and the ability to make and receive calls via VoIP. Not only could staff send progress reports as construction continued but also the essential need to keep in touch with family all over the world was met. Wilken then laid the fibre infrastructure, structured cabling, built the Data Centre and laid the fibre from the turbines to the data Centre connecting the turbines to the control centre in Netherlands. Wilken built a fully operational Local Area Network (LAN) using fibre, UTP cables, routers, modems, switches and wifi access points.
Through our ICT platform the LTWP turbines are efficiently monitored and controlled from the Netherlands and in Europe reducing greatly the man power needed on site and costs of maintenance.