17 Nov Kenya National Library Services
The new KNLS Complex in Upper Hill was completed in 2020 to replace the independence library and is an ultra-modern reading facility rivaling the US Library of congress and the British Library. The behemoth library seats over 5000 people and is a comprehensive refence service for readers and researchers. There was an evident need to protect the Library’s resources such as the books and computers as well as to provide a secure environment for everyone working there and the thousands of people visiting daily.
Wilken is proud to be associated with the National Library. We installed an integrated security network that includes the following components: Walkthrough and Baggage Scanners, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), Access Control Systems (ACS), over 100 CCTV cameras and electric fencing.
The security system installed by Wilken plays a key role in securing the valuable resources within the facility and the safety of staff and the thousands of library users.